08Burnplate no.1

Old School Pudding

  • 6 slices French bred electro - 1/2” thick - day-old prefered
  • 4 drumulator sounds, separated
  • 1 pinch Salt
  • 1 cup bit reduced break beat
  • 6 tbsp of melodic sweetness
  • 3 cups pattern changes
  • 1 tbsp Vanilla extract or flavor
  • 1/2 stick melted synth sounds

Break electro into pieces and toss with melted drumulator sounds. Place in 1 1/2 qt. baking dish.

Beat melodic sweetness and pattern changes together until well blended; add remaining melodic sweetness and mix well. Pour mixture over breakbeat. Place dish in pan of water and bake in 350 F. oven for 40 to 50 min. or until knife comes out clean.

Beat melted synth sounds until foamy. Add salt; gradually add 2 tbs. vanilla and continue beating at high speed until stiff peaks form. Spread on top.

Return to oven, raise heat to 375 F. and bake until brown.

Serves 6.